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Sanitizing Surfaces


Audits & Assessments

This service is offered to assist Companies who are currently carrying out essential work or are endeavouring to mobilise their workforce to resume operations and wish to ensure that their procedures and control measures are as robust as is possible.

With organisations re-opening and staff returning to their normal workplaces, employers have a responsibility to protect people from harm. This includes taking reasonable steps to protect your workers and others from coronavirus by way of a risk assessment.


You must:

  • Identify what work activity or situations might cause transmission of the virus;

  • Think about who could be at risk;

  • Decide how likely it is that someone could be exposed;

  • Act to remove the activity or situation, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk.


Ultimately you want to be able to demonstrate to your stakeholders that you are “COVID-19-Secure”. The results of your risk assessments should be shared with your workforce and there is an expectation they are published on your website (particularly for employers with over 50 workers).


In addition of general advice on managing risk, the government has published several documents relating to specific sectors. These are regularly updated as we move further away from lockdown and highlight the considerations for different types of workplace.

Why Quantum is best placed to support you?

We work with you to produce your COVID-19 risk assessment so that it is relevant and pertinent to your business operations - not just a series of generic hazards with generic controls.


We already have experience in delivering COVID-19 risk assessments across a range of sectors and organisations – you have a trusted partner


Being a totally independent consultancy, we support you in assessing risk – so we have no vested interest - other than delivering you the right solution - in promoting particular activities, equipment or ancillary services.


We offer a range of solutions to provide the service that best suits your needs.


With rapidly changing guidance and business needs, how do you know you are up to date with the latest advice and thinking? We can help you fill this gap.


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